Does This Site Really Have Porn Parodies of Everything?Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, yes it does, actually. And if it doesn't, the good folks at (and certainly user RWBY) have a made it their mission statement to make sure that it does. If you can imagine a porn parody of something, it already exists. No one knows where rule 34 came from or what dark corners of the net the first rule 34-esque posts came from, but it's certainly an iron law of pursuing porn on the web. I call it, the constant which dictates that there are enough weird, horny fuckers who can draw pretty well and will find a site to upload their pervy posts for equally odd and horny people to whack it to.
Only one known exception: rule 34 itself.” According to Urban Dictionary, this rule is defined as… A rule, or perhaps a constant, which has inspired variation, intrigue, and general weirdness – rule 34 (r34).! Rule 34 animated porn, aka R34 XXX, aka Rule 34 website! Since the dawn of the interwebs (or at least since wifi was a thing), there has been a rule.